Welcome to the Crane Energy Group!
We are interested in low-carbon combustion, electrocatalysis, and renewable conversion technologies. We are part of the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department within Smith Engineering at Queen’s University.
[May 2024] We welcome three summer undergraduate students to the lab: Abby Lee, Justin Sandrasagra, and Drew Crix. They will be working on detonation modelling and experiment.
[Mar. 2024] The Crane Energy Group won a Bruce Mitchell Research Grant for 1 PhD student to perform multiphysics modelling of CO2 reduction electrolyzers. Applications are still being accepted, see below for more information.
[Oct. 2023] Dr. Crane gave a seminar at the University of Central Florida titled “Powering next generation aircraft engines: Detonation dynamics, chemistry, and control.”
[Aug. 2023] The Crane Energy Group won a CFI-JELF Grant to support the construction of a facility for detonation testing.
[July 2023] The Crane Energy Group won an NSERC Alliance International Catalyst Grant to support collaboration with the University of Duisburg-Essen.
[Apr. 2023] The Crane Energy Group won an NSERC Discovery Grant to fund its research on next-generation aircraft engines.